Photography from my trip down the Karnali river in November goes into the July/August issue of Action Asia as a cover story.
This one was a challenge! I wanted to shoot the action from the raft, so I took specialist underwater housing equipment for the camera and spent eight days rafting the Karnali, which is Nepal's biggest river. Huge thanks to everyone onboard, especially Pat for getting me down the river and James, for smiling! You can download a PDF of the full article here.
Action Asia cover July/August 2013
“Flip N’ Strip is next and just as we’re pulling through the worst of the whitewater, I look up to see another raft right next to us. They’ve lost control and seem to be going down sideways. I aim the camera at them and perfectly on cue they flip over onto their side. They’re in a state of chaos, mid-capsize, when miraculously the next big wave flips them upright again. It’s a perfect near-catastrophe and everyone onboard is screaming with delight at how close they came to disaster.”